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Written Shiurim

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Records 1 to 20 of 179
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Title (Lang ) Writer Category
Text Shiur Nadav & Aviyhu: What Did They Do Wrong? - Compiled by Adena Muskin (SFW 08) (English) Parshat Shavua > Shmini
Text Shiur A Fitting End to Sefer Vayikra (English) Parshat Shavua > Bechukotai
Text Shiur The Mitzvot at the End of the Parsha (English) Parshat Shavua > Behar
Text Shiur Shmitta and Har Sinai (English) Rachel Fox (SFW '08) Parshat Shavua > Behar
Text Shiur The Ner Tamid and the Shulchan in Emor (English) Parshat Shavua > Emor
Text Shiur Be Holy (English) Parshat Shavua > Kedoshim
Text Shiur Why Here? Why Now? (English) Adena Muskin (08) Parshat Shavua > Acharei Mot
Text Shiur Nadav & Avihu - Why Not Here? (English) Parshat Shavua > Metzora
Text Shiur Lean On Me (English) Debra Strashun (SFW '09) Parshat Shavua > Vaera
Text Shiur The Roots of Lashon Hara (English) Sarah Hirsch ('08) Parshat Shavua > Tazria
Text Shiur The Choice of the Nazir (English) Alexis Levy ('08) Parshat Shavua > Naso
Text Shiur The Real Sin of Nadav and Avihu (English) Denise Zami (SFW 08) Parshat Shavua > Shmini
Text Shiur Parshat Tzav: The Uniqueness of Parshat Tzav (English) Parshat Shavua > Tzav
Text Shiur The Names of Sefer Vayikra (English) SFW Students Parshat Shavua > Vayikra
Text Shiur Behind the Korbanot (English) Esther Coren (SFW 08) Parshat Shavua > Vayikra
Text Shiur Moshe Excluded from the Mishkan - Compiled by Adena Muskin (SFW '08) (English) Adena Muskin (SFW '08) Parshat Shavua > Pekudei
Text Shiur Parshat Pekudei: The Avodah and the Melacha of the Mishkan (English) Tzipora Leah Shapiro (SFW '08) Parshat Shavua > Pekudei
Text Shiur Parshat Vayakhel: Shabbat Again? - Compiled by Adena Muskin (SFW '08) (English) Adena Muskin (SFW '08) Parshat Shavua > Vayakhel
Text Shiur Parshat Vayakhel - The Mirrors of the Kiyor (English) Alexis Levy (SFW ’08) Parshat Shavua > Vayakhel
Text Shiur Nigei Batim (English) Alexis Levy ('08) Parshat Shavua > Metzora